final data

美 [ˈfaɪnl ˈdeɪtə]英 [ˈfaɪnl ˈdeɪtə]
  • 网络最终数据;最后的数据
final datafinal data
  1. Finally it conducted a formal questionnaire survey , Collection the final data .


  2. With the final data of quality inspection , the results showed that the quality of cadastral database testing method is feasible .


  3. Place this to the right of the final data flow operator .


  4. Principles of sample choosing and the sources of final data are also specified .


  5. The final data are defined as seismic porosity .


  6. The generation of the DDL should be done ahead of the final data movement .


  7. The correctness and scientificalness of testing methods in this thesis is verified by the final data of tests .


  8. You can use this outage window to perform final data synchronizations and allow for any network changes to stabilize .


  9. He is expected to decide on the tax in early December when the final data come in , but early indicators have been disappointing .


  10. When the IPS sample size is bigger that 1 / 2 planning sample size , t test should be chosen to analyze the final data .


  11. Implement the registration and merging of 3-D range data produced by triple laser stripe sensors . The final data can be used by Shoemaking-CAD .


  12. The whole measure and calculation is carried out by microprocessor and programs . The final data of the thickness of adjusting shim can be displayed directly .


  13. In the application procedures based on web , the final data result of the operation is usually displayed in tabular form , which is difficult to analyse for the second time .


  14. Besides , it accomplishes the lamplight controller with distance control and high speed I / O , builds environment for test and informs the final data after test .


  15. Related to fixed asset management , records management , maintenance management , asset Borrowing , asset value of fixed assets management direction , of course , the final data analysis software system .


  16. Various parameters are set and final data are processed by the computers . The power system control , data acquisition and transferring is completed by the single chip in the testing process .


  17. Even though referential integrity and check constraints are very helpful during the ETL process to help detect data problems , implementing them on final data warehouse tables is not efficient .


  18. Final data from the so-called SCOUT study , published on Wednesday , showed Meridia increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes in patients who already have heart disease .


  19. The error source of map scanning digitization is analyzed . Then error control method is suggested and quality control index is advanced . The available positional accuracy of final data is estimated at last .


  20. In data processing of expanding spread , output frequency is normally affected by earth filtering and NMO stretching and decreases as offset increases , which makes high resolution of final data impossible .


  21. We also add some qual I ty control functions in the the process of data integration , and fuse the integration and analysis of the data to guarantee the correctness of the final data .


  22. Roser says the final data produced by the Tevatron is consistent with CERN 's findings . He says it all leads up to dramatic change for scientists :


  23. Final data show that consumers to purchase for electric cars on the choice , the independent variable affect change wave from strong to the weak is as follows : month income industrial policy attitude promotion price sense perception quality .


  24. Hope the final data validation results , can make the government more reasonable implementation of the industrial policies ; consumers can be more rational to benefit optimization choice ; enterprise can really from the market and consumer demand make the reasonable adjustment .


  25. The software is tested by the project calculation and the results prove that its running is reliable and the final data is exact , which can meet the needs of calculation , selecting hydrocarbon recovery process by means of low temperature separating method .


  26. But the existing position and attitude measurement system based on computer vision focus on measurement part . For the calculating part , there is not too much mention and research , and the final data processing and calculation are operated by computer or DSP .


  27. The technique we proposed is to take the original stock data on China stock market from year 2000 to 2001 as material , and select final data per day of several representational stocks as fundamental data , then put data into that three important formula .


  28. After implementation of these corrective actions , the effectiveness of these actions has been proved through the final data collection . Eventually , the product demonstrates good yield , quality and reliability . Thus , the requirement of mass production has been met .


  29. Collecting data using sensors , remote data transmission using the Internet , using computers to analyze the final data and make compositive application , attempting to promote the use of the Internet of Things technology in the area of engineering test work in highway industry . 4 .


  30. Over multiple clusters obtained by random threshold and sequence of data input of the one-pass clustering algorithm , produces a mapping of the clusters into an association matrix between patterns . The final data partition is obtained by voting mechanism over this association matrix .
